Gary Radloff |
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Gary Radloff

  • CFF 2019
  • LGS 2018
  • LGS 2021
  • PLL 2019

Gary Radloff is the principal at The Radloff Group, a policy research and consulting firm. Radloff is a recently retired researcher from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was the Director of Midwest Energy Policy Analysis for the Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI). At the UW-Madison campus, Radloff was an Honorary Associate/Fellow with the Nelson Institute, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE). Radloff has also served as the Interim Director with the Wisconsin Bioenergy Initiative at the University of Wisconsin. 

Radloff is the lead author or co-author of the following reports: Policy Strategies to Catalyze the Energy Technology Innovation System in Wisconsin and the United States (2015); How to Keep Wisconsin and the U.S. Competitive in a Changing Energy World (2013); Wisconsin Strategic Bioenergy Feedstock Assessment (2012); The Biogas Opportunity in Wisconsin (2011); and the Guidelines for Sustainable Planting and Harvest of Nonforest Biomass in Wisconsin (2012).

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