Drawdown in Wisconsin: Microgrids | wisconsinacademy.org
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Drawdown in Wisconsin: Microgrids

November 29, 2018 - 7:30am to 8:45am
Wisconsin Academy Offices • Lobby • Madison
Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 7:30am to 8:45am


Wisconsin Academy Offices
1922 University Ave Lobby
53726 Madison , WI

As a part of our "Drawdown in Wisconsin" Environmental Breakfast Series, Gary Radloff, Principal at The Radloff Group, discusses the role microgrids can play in our energy system.

A microgrid is a localized energy grid that can operate autonomously from the larger, traditional grid that connects homes, businesses, and other buildings to central power sources. Microgrids are made up of distributed energy sources, often including renewables like solar and wind, as well as energy storage or backup generation and load management tools. While a microgrid often operates while connected to the larger grid, it can operate on its own routinely or in the case of an emergency. In this way, microgrids allow communities to be more energy independent, flexible and, in many cases, supported by cleaner energy sources.

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Gary Radloff is the principal at The Radloff Group, a policy research and consulting firm. Radloff is a recently retired researcher from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was the Director of Midwest Energy Policy Analysis for the Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI).

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