Science and the American Experiment |
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Science and the American Experiment

April 6, 2018, in the Pyle Center at UW-Madison

A day-long exploration of research, policy, and communication, focusing on the shifting cultural expectations of science as a transformative force in society. As a special event within the Wisconsin Academy’s year-long examination of the American Dream in Wisconsin, Science and the American Experiment explores the opportunities created by science in Wisconsin, the benefits from public investment in science, and the challenges of communicating the value of science in an era of digital media and post-truth politics. 


7:30am: Registration

8:00–8:45am: Academy Member’s Breakfast (optional)

9:00am: Welcome and Overview with Jane Elder (Wisconsin Academy)

9:15–10:00am: Inspiration from American science policy with Jo Handelsman (Wisconsin Institute for Discovery)

10:00–10:15am: Break

10:20–11:40am: Investing in Opportunity, a panel discussion moderated by Mary Blanchard (Wisconsin Energy Institute) featuring Doug Stafford (Milwaukee Institute for Drug Discovery), Abbas Oumazd (Distinguished Professor, UW Milwaukee), Logan Peterman (Organic Valley), and William Barker (UW Madison, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences)

11:45–12:55pm: Lunch

1:00p–2:00pm: Communicating about Science in a Post-Truth Era, a panel discussion moderated by Dietram Scheufele (UW-Madison, Life Sciences Communications) featuring Bill Berry (columnist, Capital Times), Dee Hall (Center for Investigative Journalism), and Greg Jeschke (Channel 27)

2:00–2:15pm: Break

2:20–3:25pm: Science & Policy, a panel discussion moderated by Jane Elder (Wisconsin Academy) featuring Representative Debra Kolste, Donna Friedsam (UW Population Health Institute), and George Kraft (UW-Stevens Point)

3:30pm: Key Observations from the Day with Arjun Sanga (WiSys)

4:00pm:  Conference concludes

4:00–5:45pm: Conference closing reception/Academy Fellows Award Ceremony opening reception


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1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


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201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25