Future Possible: Imagining Madison | wisconsinacademy.org
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Future Possible: Imagining Madison

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February 16, 2018 to April 15, 2018
James Watrous Gallery • Overture Center for the Arts • Madison


Lou Host-Jablonski is an architect with Design Coalition Inc. of Madison. His projects of the last forty-plus years include multi-family housing and co-housing, childcare centers, new homes and additions, community-built projects, community centers and playgrounds, and home modifications for persons with disabilities and chemical sensitivities.

E. Edward Linville is the principal with Linville Architects, LLC, in Madison. "Having seen many parts of the world compliments of the U.S. Army, and then designing in Chicago, I came to Madison on a summer day in 1974 and knew that the city and I had a purpose to be together.

The Madison Design Professionals workgroup was originally formed by Downtown Madison, Inc. (DMI) to serve as a resource in the development of a comprehensive Downtown Master Plan for the City of Madison.

Ashley Roberston received her MA in City and Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, where she specialized in real estate and placemaking. She came to Madison in 2013 to work as a city planning consultant with local firm Vandewalle & Associates (2013-2017).

Kate Stalker is a Madison-based landscape architect with a passion for environmental sustainability, especially as it concerns promoting a public supply of clean water for generations to come.

Jeremy Wineberg is a designer, educator, and visual artist working in painting, drawing, sculpture, video, and installation media. He grew up in Pennsylvania and studied art at the University of Delaware.

Anders Zanichkowsky was born and raised on the east side of Madison and has lived there since 2008, when he graduated from Hampshire College with a BA in printmaking. His studio work, public art, and curatorial projects have been shown in local, national, and international exhibitions, and he has been funded by a BLINK!

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25