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renewable energy

Image of Forward Wisconsin statue floating by drowned Capitol Building

Chelsea Chandler hosts a discussion on Energy Generation and reviews outcomes from the 2019 Climate Fast Forward conference.

There are many places where people concerned about climate change can influence decisions surrounding electricity generation and transmission.

Right now in Wisconsin, much of the meaningful work in energy planning and climate change mitigation is happening through local government and the businesses and organizations that support their efforts. 

When you turn on the lights or turn up the air conditioner, do you ever wonder what powers up the energy on the other side of the switch?

What happens when 75 thoughtful Wisconsin leaders come together to tackle a challenge?  Good things!

With decreasing costs and increasing employment opportunities, renewable energy is well positioned to take on a more significant role in Wisconsin.

In the wake of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico—arguably America's worst environmental disaster—does nuclear power look any more appealing than it did after the Three Mile Island accident in 1979?

Energy conservation measures under way at UW–Stevens Point include upgrading lights to energy efficient LED lights. Here (l to r), Andy Klessig, Jose Rodriguez and Patrick Houlihan of Faith Technologies replace lighting in a Science Building lecture hall.

The University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point has achieved a new milestone in sustainability.

Family purchasing a share in the Vernon Electric Cooperative solar farm. Photo by Dave Maxwell.

Vernon Electric Cooperative (VEC), a 10,500 member-owned electric distribution cooperative in Westby, Wisconsin, is a leader in offering community solar and facilitating the construction of utility scale solar projects.

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