The US: At home and Abroad in a Post-9/11 World |
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The US: At home and Abroad in a Post-9/11 World

Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

In Part I of the Wisconsin Academy's "Perspectives on a Post-9/11 World" Academy Evenings event on September 11, 2011, John W. Hall (UW-Madison Ambrose-Hesseltine Professor in U.S. Military History) and Donald Downs (the Alexander Meiklejohn Professor of Political Science, Law, and Journalism at UW-Madison) discuss the American military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan the treatment of captured terrorists and enemy combatants since 9/11. Hall's research focuses on "small wars" involving irregular forces: colonial conflicts, insurgencies, and proxy wars. Downs is interested in constitutional law, criminal law, civil liberties and free speech, and the military presence within the university.


Donald Downs is the Alexander Meiklejohn Professor of Political Science, Law, and Journalism at UW-Madison, and the Glenn B. and Cleone Orr Hawkins Professor of Political Science at the University.

John W. Hall is the Ambrose-Hesseltine Assistant Professor of Military History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A Wisconsin native, Hall spent over fifteen years as an active duty U.S. Army officer before joining the UW-Madison Department of History. Hall is a former member of the faculty at the U.S.

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