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Foundation Information

Wisconsin Academy Foundation

The Wisconsin Academy Foundation was incorporated in 1989 and endowed in 1992 to secure long-term financial support for the Academy. There are many ways to make a current or deferred gift to the Wisconsin Academy Foundation.

Cash contributions are deductible and result in federal and state tax savings. Many corporations have instituted programs to match their employees' personal charitable contributions. The types of gifts, whether cash, securities, or property, that corporations match vary from one company to another. A company's personnel or public relations department has information on the types of gifts that qualify for a corporate match.

A gift of securities or property (whether it is real property, such as real estate, or personal property, such as art work or other items) allows the donor to receive a charitable deduction equal to the full fair-market value of the securities or property. 

A contribution to the Wisconsin Academy Foundation may entitle the donor to name a program or position. This endowment means that the donor's name would be mentioned when the program or person holding the position is mentioned.

A bequest in a will is the most common way to make a deferred gift, either by a flat amount to the Foundation or a percentage of the residual estate. Bequests or gifts may be directed toward the support of a specific program designated by the donor or for general operations. At present, a bequest is entirely exempt from state and federal taxation. 

Pooled income funds, irrevocable charitable trusts, and contributions of insurance, such as a policy of permanent life insurance, are other ways of making a deferred gift to the Wisconsin Academy Foundation. These gifts will be employed for the purpose specified by the donor.

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25