Ann Calhoun |
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Ann Calhoun

  • CFF 2022

Ann Calhoun works for The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin, where she serves as the Baraboo Hills Project Coordinator and is a member of the Land Strategy Team. Her work focuses on collaborating with partners to develop and pilot science-based tools and approaches which empower people to implement land care and stewardship practices that maintain biodiversity and ecological function, overcome barriers to scaling up Natural Climate Solutions, and set the lands and waters of WI on a path to be as resilient as possible in a changing climate.

Ann received her BA in Biology and Environmental Studies from Wartburg College, and currently lives in Prairie du Sac where she loves growing food and putzing in her garden, padding rivers, biking rail trails, eating lots of cheese, and soaking in the extraordinary beauty of the Driftless Area. 

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Madison, Wisconsin 53726
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Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25