Bill Hafs |
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Bill Hafs

Bill Hafs is the Director of Environmental Programs at NEW Water. NEW Water has conducted a Aquatic Water Quality Monitoring program of the Lower Fox River and Green Bay since 1986 and is currently working in an Adaptive Management Silver Creek Pilot project to install agriculture non point best management practices to evaluate the feasibility of a full scale Adaptive Management Watershed Project.

Hafs has a Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Resource Management from the University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point. He worked 30 years as County Conservationist with Brown County Land and Water Conservation Department. Prior to that position, he worked four years at Taylor County Land and Water Conservation Department and three years at Appleton Mills.

Hafs has experience working in the field of nonpoint pollution control. While at Brown County, he was responsible for adopting the first buffer strip ordinance in the State of Wisconsin. He also worked on five priority watershed projects and the adoption of an Animal Waste Management Ordinance.

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