Ron earned his B.S. and M.S. in Wildlife Ecology at UW-Madison and is retired from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) after 36 years as Wildlife Biologist at Rhinelander. He worked on wildlife and forest habitat issues including forest biodiversity and specialized in bald eagle, osprey and wild rice conservation.
Ron serves on the board of the Northwoods Land Trust and chairs the Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Wildlife and Forests Conservation Affairs Committee. He serves on WDNR’s Silviculture Guidance Team, Wisconsin’s Initiative for Climate Impact’s Forestry Team, and the Council on Forestry’s Sound Forestry Team. Ron makes sure wildlife habitat and forest biodiversity are included in land and forest management decisions. He and his wife Jan live near Rhinelander and enjoy hiking, biking, paddling, cross country skiing and all things Lake Superior.