Thomas Pleger |
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Thomas Pleger

  • Talks

Thomas Pleger PhD started as Lake Superior State University's (LSSU) eighth president on July 1, 2014, after having served as campus executive officer and dean at the University of Wisconsin-Baraboo/Sauk County since 2006.

Dr. Pleger has held positions at several University of Wisconsin campuses, including Madison, La Crosse, Marinette and Fox Valley, and at Lawrence University. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science, with honors, from UW-La Crosse and is an alumnus of the Wisconsin in Scotland program. He earned his M.A. in anthropology and his PhD in anthropology/archaeology, both from UW-Madison. His PhD and subsequent research have focused on the archaeology of the Western Great Lakes and has resulted in publications in regional and local archaeological journals.

A former University of Wisconsin System Teaching Fellow, Dr. Pleger is a recipient of the Wisconsin Archaeological Society's Lapham Research Medal, and formerly a speaker for the Wisconsin Humanities Council Speakers Bureau. He is a past council member of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters.

Dr. Pleger has written on the importance of liberal education and the University of Wisconsin System and has been a regular guest on Wisconsin Public Radio concerning topics on archaeology and concerning public higher education in Wisconsin.

Dr. Pleger is married to Teresa, who formerly worked in UW-BSC Student Services. She holds a bachelor’s degree in health education and a master’s degree in education/professional development from UW-La Crosse. Lifelong residents of Wisconsin until moving to Michigan in 2014, the Pleger's enjoy many hobbies, including spending time outdoors with their dogs and horse.

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