Natural Climate Solutions for Wisconsin
Natural climate solutions (NCS) are a broad suite of land conservation, restoration, and management practices that store carbon and/or avoid greenhouse gas emissions from landscapes and wetlands. Between October 2018 and May 2020, the Wisconsin Academy convened a powerful network of leaders working to advance NCS in Wisconsin and the Great Lakes region. This network, including 50 active participants representing academia, public agencies, nonprofits, tribal nations, farms, and forestry, discussed and fleshed out a wide variety of cross-cutting strategies for advancing NCS in Wisconsin. While hundreds of specific ideas were raised over the course of ten meetings, several common threads and critical considerations emerged. As a result, the Academy assembled a report that highlights these critical considerations and promising strategies for advancing NCS and equitably addressing climate change in Wisconsin: Natural Climate Solutions for Wisconsin: Critical Considerations & Strategies. The report is available for download (PDF) below. Please contact Environmental Initiatives staff with questions regarding our NCS work.
NCS Report
This Wisconsin Academy report offers a summary of critical considerations and strategies for advancing natural climate solutions in Wisconsin, forwarded by the collaborative Natural Climate Solutions Leadership Network, convened by the Academy between October 2018 and June 2020.
Many thanks to the Carolyn Foundation and the Sally Mead Hands Foundation for their generous support of this work.