The Coyote Killers |
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The Coyote Killers

Howl something
you want heard,

you’ll be hunted.

Howl something
sweet and it won’t
matter either.

Someone will start
a murder club built
for your friends,

holding contests
for the most killed.

They’ll shoot, yell,
smoke you out of
your own company,

take a sharp right
when they could’ve
made a left turn,

leaving the cold
meats of a movement
quelling in the sun.

Gunned-up hides,
dogs barking backward.

Our growls only get
more bountiful from
here, honey.

A gust through a forest
of lowered eternities.

When a baby comes,
they’re born on behalf
of the lost.



Nikki Wallschlaeger is the author of poetry collections, Houses (Horse Less Press, 2015), Crawlspace (Bloof Books, 2017), and Waterbaby (Copper Canyon, 2021).

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1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


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201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25