Climate Breakfast Series: Energy Generation |
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Climate Breakfast Series: Energy Generation

Image of Forward Wisconsin statue floating by drowned Capitol Building
February 19, 2020 - 7:30am to 8:45am
Wisconsin Academy Offices • Lobby • Madison
Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 7:30am to 8:45am


Wisconsin Academy Offices
1922 University Avenue Lobby
53726 Madison , WI

Grab your reusable mug and get ready to connect with fellow climate-concerned citizens! The Wisconsin Academy invites you to join us this spring for the first of four casual breakfast conversations organized around key areas for climate action in Wisconsin in 2020. This breakfast's focus is Energy Generation, and we will provide a place and space for community members to build on discussions and connections kindled at our 2019 climate events.

For background on this topic, visit our Climate Fast Forward resources page, where you can view a summary report and other resources covering energy generation, as presented at the Climate Fast Forward conference. 



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Chelsea Chandler was the director of the Academy's Environmental Initiatives from 2016 to 2020. She led the Climate & Energy and Waters of Wisconsin Initiatives, to which she brought her interdisciplinary experience and passion for researching and communicating solutions to environmental challenges.

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


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3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25