Salvation Doesn't Come |
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Salvation Doesn't Come

Second Place Winner - 2017 Poetry Contest

Exhausted, this light.
It was supposed to shine
piercingly bright
set the roof ablaze
melt the fire escape
spark mica in the wall
singe a rat’s whiskers
in its hole.
But side-swiped by a taxi door
window-slammed off discount store
it launched from hood of truck
in a stream
only to be mugged by vent steam
and spun around by high-rise draft
it had hoped to dance
on park grass, but
punch-drunk, paled out
it filtered and fell
confused in a dumb-luck daze
through the curtains of 6A
landing in the trust of 
particles of dust
where it was pacified
with gentleness—

Stupified, this light
is of no consequence.

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Hansa Kerman Pistotnik is a poet and photographer whose black-and-white Hancock High, Lake Shore Drive was printed in the 2017 Midwest Review. She is the second-place winner of the 2017 Wisconsin People & Ideas Poetry Contest.

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Madison, Wisconsin 53726
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201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25