Wisconsin People & Ideas 2018 Writing Contest Reading | wisconsinacademy.org
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Wisconsin People & Ideas 2018 Writing Contest Reading

At the Wisconsin Book Festival
Friday, October 12, 2018 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Wisconsin People & Ideas, the Wisconsin Academy’s magazine of contemporary Wisconsin thought and culture, presents a Wisconsin Book Festival reading featuring the winners of the 2018 Fiction & Poetry Contest hosted by editor Jason A. Smith. Fiction readings include "Static," by Michael Hopkins - 1st Place (Neenah) and "A Sweet Thing," by AnnaKay Kruger - 3rd Place (Madison). Poetry readings include "Head, Thorax, and Abdomen," by Jenna Rindo - 1st Place (Pickett), "November," by Thomas J. Erickson - 2nd Place (Milwaukee), "The Act," by Justine Jones - 3rd Place (Madison).

This reading is presented in partnership with the Wisconsin Book Festival with support from Wisconsin Public Radio and Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts. Learn more about how to submit your work to our annual fiction and poetry contests at wisconsinacademy.org/contests.


Thomas J. Erickson is the second-place winner of the Wisconsin People & Ideas 2018 Poetry Contest. Erickson is an attorney in Milwaukee, where he is a member of the Hartford Avenue Poets. His award-winning chapbook, The Lawyer Who Died in the Courthouse Bathroom, was published by Parallel Press in 2013.

Michael Hopkins is the first-place winner of the Wisconsin People & Ideas 2018 Fiction Contest and the third-place winner of the 2019 Fiction Contest. Hopkins lives on a small farm in Neenah, Wisconsin, with his wife and their dog, cats, and chickens.

Justine Jones is the third-place winner of the Wisconsin People & Ideas 2018 Poetry Contest. Jones holds a BA from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She works at Madison East High School, and is pursuing a career as an educator and a writer.

AnnaKay Kruger is the third-place winner of the Wisconsin People & Ideas 2018 Fiction Contest. Kruger is a freelance writer living in Madison. She specializes in subjects related to science, technology, and food, but writes creatively whenever given the chance.

Jenna Rindo is the first-place winner of the Wisconsin People & Ideas 2018 Poetry Contest. Rindo and her husband raised five children on five acres in Pickett, Wisconsin, where they also tend a small flock of chickens and Shetland sheep.

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Phone: 608.733.6633 x25