Fiction is a balance of craft and imagination. Whether you have a hot idea for a novel, a work-in-progress, or a completed draft to polish and refine, this workshop with novelist Lucy Sanna will give you the skills needed to bring your novel to life. Compelling characters are at the heart of memorable fiction. We will learn to live through our protagonist’s senses and give her an arc to create as much tension on her journey as possible. Some novelists write by the seat of their pants and others diligently lay out the entire plot before writing the first sentence. Either way, writers get stuck. We’ll discuss ways to manage your book’s structure without painting yourself into a corner. Registration for this course is limted to twelve participants.
SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE: There is one (1) scholarship available for this course. Students of need are encouraged to apply through our Scholarship Application page.
QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS COURSE? Visit our FAQ page or e-mail course coordinator Christopher Chambers.
DISCOUNT FOR ACADEMY MEMBERS: Members receive a 10% discount Member Rate on this course (discount applied during registration). Not an Academy member? Choose the "Member Rate + Membership" option during registration to recieve your discount rate. Academy Members receive discounts on courses, contests, and ticketed events, as well as an annual subscription to Wisconsin People & Ideas magazine.