Wisconsin People & Ideas - Winter 2009 | wisconsinacademy.org
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Wisconsin People & Ideas - Winter 2009

Issue Number: 

Perhaps the holiday season is a good time to remind ourselves how fortunate we are that Wisconsin continues to have a wealth of luminaries who help improve the quality of our lives by bringing high-paying jobs and economic growth to the state.

By the time you read this sentence it will be close to, if not, the beginning of a new year. Glasses will be raised, resolutions will be made, and calendars will be tossed in the trash.

In the thirty-five-year history of the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) School Bell Award in Public Media, no high-school student has ever won.

While many of us would be inclined to run away from howls and yelps in the dark of night, others will spend a weekend studying these sounds during the Wolf Ecology Workshop at Treehaven, near Tomahawk.

Julie Andersen's piercing blue eyes seem almost too striking for her muted surroundings.

For many children, a bicycle is much more than just a mode of transportation. Bicycles foster feelings of independence and responsibility, and offer the promise of outdoor exercise and fun.

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