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Wisconsin Academy of Science Arts and Letters

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Current & Upcoming Events

Flight of Resilience

In the heart of Wisconsin’s sprawling landscapes, my journey into the world of birding began—as did this tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the profound importance of diverse social representation in outdoor activities. Join me on this expedition through the chapters of my transformative experiences, and the evolution of birding in the Badger State.


In Our Magazine

Nirmal Raja, Breath, 2021, acrylic ink, India ink, gouache on Hanji (handmade paper)

As an artist, a curator, a mentor, and a seeker, Nirmal Raja has made an indelible imprint on Milwaukee, where she has lived and worked for the las

Thanks to an extraordinary gift of animal and archeological specimens by prominent ornithologist Carl Richter in 1974, which included over 10,000 sets of bird eggs, the Richter Museum now holds one of the largest egg collections in North America. Photo by Daniel Meinhardt All photos: Richter Museum

The behind-the-scenes team of curators at the Richter Museum of Natural History in Green Bay serve as keepers of fundamental knowledge about the di

Sara Smith, the Midwest Tribal Climate Resilience liaison at the College of Menominee Nation. Photo by Delta Rae Photography

Across the country, Tribes have become key voices in discussions and initiatives related to climate change and sustainability.

New & Interesting

Join the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters and Davin Lopez, an endangered species biologist with the Department of Natural Resources...

The opening session of Climate Fast Forward features remarks from the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Academy, Erika Monroe-Kane, remarks from...

Join the Wisconsin Academy staff and interdisciplinary artists Nirmal Raja and Millicent Kennedy for a captivating virtual artists' conversation,...

Here in Wisconsin, like most northern latitudes, the vast majority of freshwater research occurs during the warmer months of "open water" season...

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Wisconsin Academy Offices 
1922 University Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
Phone: 608.733.6633


James Watrous Gallery 
3rd Floor, Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.733.6633 x25