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news and media

Photo of editor Jason A. Smith

From a clammy basement office in the Academy’s Steenbock Center, Marieli Rowe ran a nonprofit called the National Telemedia Council.

The day after I retired, the dominant source of news about Milwaukee and greater Wisconsin vanished.

While it can’t predict what will happen this year, science can tell us a lot about how facts move through the human cognitive process.

In an era marked by hyperpartisan political discourse and obsessive coverage of the personalities of the moment, Wisconsinites have an objective public media resource in WisconsinEye.

New explainer website harnesses Wisconsin expertise on issues of local import.

In the quest for offering limitless choice, digital marketers and programmers have enabled our retreat into a tribe of one, a singular profile to which all messages can be specifically tailored.

In the run up to the 2012 fall elections, UW–Madison professors Lewis Friedland and Michael Xenos discuss the role that social media plays in political organizing.

While the iconic image of an American family gathered around a radio console listening to a presidential speech, mystery thriller, or home gardening show seems like an old-fashioned notion, between the 1920s and 1960s radio was a central force in

Computers have undoubtedly changed the way we exchange information.

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