What is the spark that ignites scientific discovery? This video features three Wisconsin Academy fellows whose explorations in science are fueled by imagination.
- Marcia Bjornerud—Professor of Geology and Environmental Studies at Lawrence University in Appleton
- Laura Kiessling—Hilldale Professor of Chemistry and Laurens Anderson Professor of Biochemistry at UW–Madison
- Bassam Shakhashiri—Director of the Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy and the first holder of the William T. Evjue Distinguished Chair for the Wisconsin Idea at UW–Madison
This video was recorded at Overture Center for the Arts in Madison, Wisconsin, on April 11, 2017, by WisconsinEye. Moderated by astrophysicist and Academy Fellow Robert Mathieu, this is the sixth and final talk from the Academy-led Wisconsin Creativity Initiative. Developed by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters in partnership with the Wisconsin Arts Board, Arts Wisconsin, and the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, the Wisconsin Creativity Initiative seeks to examine the elements of a creative economy that make the most sense for Wisconsin, and the ways we can harness these elements to make our communities and our state stronger. Our aim for the Wisconsin Creativity Initiative is to change the conversation about the power of creativity to improve Wisconsin’s economy, educational systems, and quality of life.