Wisconsin People & Ideas – Summer 2016 | wisconsinacademy.org
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Wisconsin People & Ideas – Summer 2016

In this issue: The Poet Laureate calls for poems by heart, Winchester Academy celebrates 25 years, WisContext dives deep, and UWSP goes 100% renewable. Get to know Door County naturalists Roy and Charlotte Lukes and Jack Ritchie, a master of the short crime story, and find lots of Shakespeare going on all across the state. Explore the powerful cultural and historical meanings behind Oneida raised beadwork and read spanking new fiction and poetry by our 2016 contest winners. Did you know that you can get this fine magazine delivered right to your door? Begin your membership in the Wisconsin Academy today and we'll send you this and three more issues of the best magazine about contemporary Wisconsin thought and culture: Wisconsin People & Ideas.

Issue Number: 

How can specific investments in the knowledge economy and our creative sectors make a brighter future for Wisconsin?

What's your favorite poem? Can you recite it by heart? 

Waupaca has its own Academy Talks, thanks to the Winchester Academy.

New explainer website harnesses Wisconsin expertise on issues of local import.

Energy conservation measures under way at UW–Stevens Point include upgrading lights to energy efficient LED lights. Here (l to r), Andy Klessig, Jose Rodriguez and Patrick Houlihan of Faith Technologies replace lighting in a Science Building lecture hall.

The University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point has achieved a new milestone in sustainability.

John Taylor Phillips and Marti Gobel in A Midsummers Night Dream, produced by Door Shakespeare

Why is it that, with so many archaic words and obscure references, Shakespeare’s plays are still being performed today?

Roy Lukes in his element at the Ridges Sanctuary in Baileys Harbor, Door County (photo by Len Villano). Photographs taken by Lukes and published in his regular Peninsula Pulse nature column bring the plants and animals of Door County to life.

The life and times of a true "nature boy," Roy Lukes.

Beaders (l to r) Sandra Gauthier, Judith Jourdan, and Betty Willems at an Oneida Nation Arts Program workshop in 2013. Learn more about Oneida raised beadwork. Photo by Anne Pryor.

Raised beadwork has powerful cultural and historic meanings for the Oneida Nation.

Mystery writer Jack Ritchie, 1980. Photo courtesy of Steven Reitci.

Even though he is Wisconsin’s most productive writer of short stories, you might not know about Milwaukee-born author Jack Ritchie.

There was no dew, so she could work without the discomfort of grass clippings stuck to wet bare feet. Ken had always said that dry grass in the morning meant there’d be an afternoon thunderstorm.

A parable of religious mysticism that’s part love story and part mystery, with a touch of rural hijinks, Karl Elder’s new novel is a welcome addition to the list of titles from one of Wisconsin’s top poets.

Meet Violet, the eccentric child birthed by Madison poet Jeanie Tomasko and delivered into the world by new Wisconsin publisher Taraxia Press.

Lily Stewart is an artist whose life is on the brink of collapse.

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Madison, Wisconsin 53726
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Phone: 608.733.6633 x25