Energy Systems of the Future |
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Energy Systems of the Future

Tuesday, April 24, 2018 - 11:00am to 11:45am

For our third annual Local Government Summit, the Wisconsin Academy and partners gathered in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on April 23-24, 2018, to share practical resources and explore emerging issues in local energy planning and resilience in Wisconsin communities. This talk from the Leading the Charge 2018 Summit, "Energy Systems of the Future," features Gary Radloff of The Radloff Group, Bruce Beihoff of the UW-Madison Grainger Institute for Engineering, and Josh Arnold of Navigant.

A part of the Wisconsin Academy's Climate & Energy Initiative program, this Leading the Charge 2018 Summit presentation was recorded by Wisconsin Public Television for University Place.


Josh Arnold is an associate director in Navigant's Clean Energy and Sustainability practice based in Madison. Arnold works with clients across North America, Europe, and Asia. Currently, he is part of the consulting team developing the City of Madison's strategy for 100% renewable energy and net zero carbon emissions. 

Gary Radloff is the principal at The Radloff Group, a policy research and consulting firm. Radloff is a recently retired researcher from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was the Director of Midwest Energy Policy Analysis for the Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI).

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